Coffee Courses

For restaurateurs and coffee lovers

Our coffee courses are tailored to the knowledge requirements of catering professionals and coffee experts. Of course, private coffee enthusiasts are also welcome to attend our further education courses. On request, we offer tailor-made training courses for groups – according to your specific training needs. Our course programme comprises specially developed Blasercafé courses and others selected from the SCA Coffee Skills Program.



The course is aimed at participants who already have experience in roasting coffee. Participants will deepen their understanding of the roasting profile and colour in relation to sensory expression. The third day of the course ends with the voluntary Roasting Professional exam.

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In this course, we provide participants with a basic understanding of the roasting process, including the physical changes that take place and how to influence sensory aspects of coffee through light or dark roasting.

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The course is aimed at participants who already have some experience in roasting coffee. Participants deepen their understanding of the roasting profile and colour in relation to sensory expression. The second day of the course ends with the voluntary Roasting Intermediate exam.

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Home Barista Kurs

This introductory course is aimed at coffee lovers who want to prepare the best espresso and cappuccino at home on their filter machine. We show the participants the first steps towards achieving perfect coffee.

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Latte Art Training

This course is aimed at coffee lovers who want to want to live out their creativity in the cup. With a short technical introduction and a lot of practical practice, the participants develop a feeling for the pouring of Latte Art.

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This course is aimed at fans of classic Irish coffee and all those who would like to prepare their own creations from coffee and spirits at home. We will show the participants which combinations lead to perfect results. In the winter edition of this course we will mix cocktails for the cold days in addition to classics.

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Alternative Brühmethoden

This course is aimed at participants who want to prepare superior coffee without elaborate equipment. In this course all participants will receive a starter kit (Hario V60 Craft Coffee Maker).

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Espresso degustieren und beurteilen

This course is aimed at coffee.lovers who want to know how to taste and describe an espresso. Participants learn how to express their perception in words and the appropriate vocabulary for doing so.

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Unsere eigene Röstmischung

This course is aimed at participants who want to know how a coffee blend is created. Participants experience the exciting natural product from green coffee to ready-packed roast coffee.

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Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who wish to acquire a basic knowledge of coffee as a product. The path of coffee is considered from its origin to the cup. In the course of many practical exercises, participants learn how to taste a cup of coffee for professional purposes. Furthermore, various methods of coffee brewing are presented.


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Blasercafé Kaffeekurse SCA Sensory Skills
Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who wish to learn barista skills from the ground up. The processes of grinder settings and making an espresso are examined. Participants are taught the secrets of perfectly frothed milk.

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Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who have already obtained practical experience in barista skills and have mastered good milk frothing technique. The components of roast coffee blends and their influence on the result in the cup are examined. Knowledge on the influences of the brewing parameters is extended. The barista obtains a brief introduction into the world of latte art.


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Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who already have solid practical grounding as baristas and who would like to acquire expert knowledge in their line of work. The background to work processes and assuring dispensing quality are taught. Blends or individual varieties, other ingredients, communications about the product and choosing a range are considered.

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The Blasercafé course is aimed at participants who wish to learn latte art techniques or prepare for the CSP Barista Skills Intermediate exam. With the help of short theoretical introductions and many practical exercises, participants learn how to prepare milk froth for latte art, how to pour basic motifs such as a heart and rosette and how to create latte art using aids such as cutlery and toppings.


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Einführung ins SCA Cupping Form

The course is aimed at participants who have acquired basic knowledge in tasting and who wish to use the SCA cupping form for green coffee tasting. The course gives an overview of the standardised procedure for tasting (cupping protocol) and awarding points according to the individual evaluation criteria.


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Kaffeesensorik verfeinern

This course is aimed at participants who have acquired basic knowledge of tasting and wish to improve their own sensory skills for coffee. By means of many practical exercises participants examine the different evaluation criteria such as acidity, mouthfeel/body and aromas in more detail.

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Sensory Skills Foundation
Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who would like to gain an initial insight into the world of sensory skills for coffee. Participants learn how to taste a cup of coffee for professional purposes. After a theoretical introduction, the vocabulary of professional tasting is learned in the course of practical exercises.

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Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who have already gained initial experience in coffee tasting. The participants extend their basic knowledge of professional coffee tasting. They know different test methods and understand how to use them in relation to different issues. During many practical tastings, sensory skills and communication of the results are sharpened.

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Coffee Skills Program

This course is designed for participants with experience in cupping and tasting. The participants extend their well-founded basic knowledge and seek an opportunity to discuss matters among experts. Sensory skills are sharpened in practical tastings. Participants gain more confidence in their personal sensory skills. The competence gained serves for their use in a professional context.

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Workshop Kaffeeanbauländer

The course is aimed at participants who wish to gain an overview of the classic coffee-producing countries and their coffees. After a short theoretical introduction on influences during cultivation on their result in the cup, participants get to know coffees from South and Central America, Africa and Asia.

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Green Coffee Foundation
Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who wish to gain initial insight into the world of green coffee. The factors of green coffee types, harvesting and processing methods are considered in relation to their influence on the result in the cup. During practical cuppings the participants experience the wide variety of coffee as a product.

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Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants with a basic knowledge of green coffee. In the course of various cuppings they extend this knowledge to include processing methods and gradings. Participants gain an insight into the challenges of transporting green coffee.

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Green Coffee Professional
Coffee Skills Program

The course is aimed at participants who have a good basic knowledge of green coffee and would like to acquire specialist knowledge. Specialist knowledge enables the participants to hold their own in discussions on green coffee matters: From cultivation to the cup, the parameters that influence quality are considered in detail.

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Q Arabica Combo Training & Exam Course
Q Arabica Combo Training & Exam

This rigorous six-day course prepares students to complete the Q Arabica Grader certification. Following topics will be covered: Sensory Skills, Cupping Skills, Olfactory Skills, Triangulation Skills, Organic Acids Matching Pairs, Arabica Green & Roasted Coffee Grading, Roasted Sample Identification and General Coffee Knowledge.

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Our trainers

Giuliano Bartoli

Authorised SCA Trainer and CSP Certifier
Licensed Q Arabica Grader
  • Course instructor and roaster
  • Authorised SCA Trainer and CSP Certifier since 2014
  • Teaches CSP module courses Introduction to Coffee, Barista Skills, Sensory Skills as well as Latte Art, introductory courses and individual trainings